Well that was not the plan. I figured I'd update my blog two nights ago to let everyone know that the surgery went well and I'd blog about some new creation I was working on....wrong answer! We arrived at the hospital at 11:00 am. Where a friendly nurse told us that surgery would be at 2:00. I have no idea why we had to be there so early. We just sat and waited. The first friendly nurse told us the surgery should last about 1/2 hour. Okay, I'll still be out of here and home in time for dinner and Meg's baton lesson. 2:00 pm they take us to the pre-operating room. Which is just a large room/assembly line of operation candidates. They tell us the surgeon will be with us in 5 to 10 minutes because we have questions about the surgery but ask us if we want chairs to sit in. No, we reply if it's only going to be 5 to 10 minutes we'll just stand. An hour later the surgeon shows up. We talk to him and he tells us surgery will be about an hour. I'm revamping my schedule in my head. Perhaps I'll just pick something quick up on my way home at 6:00 or 7:00 PM. Surgery lasts 2-1/2 hours and he comes out and tells us that my son will be spending the night for observation and major doses of antibiotics. So much for my schedule we were spending the night. They screwed him together and sawed part of his heel off to help stabilize the bone and screw, re-attached tendons and ligaments. The going was slow because they were afraid the screw would shatter the bone because of where the break was located. I must say here that my son walked into the surgery...there was no walking out and I did not prepare him well enough for the pain. When asked in recovery if he wanted his mom or dad he told the nurse that he wanted his mommy. Funny because he hasn't called me mommy for several years. I knew it must hurt a lot! Needless to say I wasn't prepared for this. I made arrangements from the hospital for my family to take over. They are so good that whipping things into action that dinner and Meg's baton lesson where handled, as well as cloths and baths. They all even remembered hats and gloves the next morning and managed to get to the bus on time. My well oiled home machine ran so well I'm wondering now if I'm really needed at all. So I spent the evening nursing my oldest boy back to health and worrying which is something I do best. Then I spent the night in a hospital bed with my oldest daughter who thought it was funny spoonin' her mom like she did years ago. I forgot that she breaths funny I told her in the morning. I was beyond exhausted yesterday but still managed dinner, took my middle son to tutoring and then a trip to Walmart was in order...my bed never felt so good last night! Here's a little something I made before my daily blog post got knocked off track. Made with my new slice that I haven't gotten to play with nearly enough. Next week has to be better right? I'm thinkin' so but if not at least I'm prepared and have put a toothbrush in my purse.