Spring is really almost here.

These lovelies are starting to bud in my yard. That means that wild mushrooms are right around the corner. As soon as the lilacs bloom we'll be out in the woods searching for this seasonal delicacy. I can hardly wait. With spring comes mower season and we are out of our minds crazy busy right now. My DH sends me in every possible direction all at the same time. Really, our early morning conversation usually starts off with "this is what I've got going on today and I need you to do:"
1. Go to the bank
2. Pay that bill
3. Find that invoice
4. Do you remember that guy that bought that mower? Remember that guy two years ago? You remember who I'm talking about right? UGH!!!
While he is telling me what I need to do I'm usually thinking about...
1. the laundry that needs done
2. Which kid has what practice after school
3. What I'll be making for dinner.
4. Can I consolidate any of those practices with a possible trip to the bank????
5. Perhaps I really should go buy toilet paper and milk TODAY!
6. NO, I DO NOT REMEMBER THAT GUY!!!????!!!! Are you trying to make me crazy?
Are your days like this? Does time seem to accelerate to breakneck speed during a specific time of year for you too? Does it sneak up on you like it does here? Seems we're in the throes of winter and plowing snow and then suddenly people are dropping of mowers by the minute and the phone is ringin' off the hook. Man! I love spring! It's beautiful and busy, it smells so good just to walk outside but really stinks that it will fly right by and before I know it summer will be here.
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