Where the heck have you been

It's been a really rough year at the Boyd house and that's all I'm going to say about that. No need to dwell on what is past. Bring on 2009 is what I've been saying over and over again for the past 6 months. That said, I've got a lot I'm working on. My daughter is getting married next year. That alone is keeping me busy times 100. Engagement photos, invitations, water bottle lables...yes don't ask. I've opened a little etsy shop (you can find the link in the side bar). So many of the things I've created over the years are just sitting here gathering dust so I thought why not pass them along. Hee Hee. Perhaps someone else will love them. I want to try and start something new on this blog. I'm going to feature a random favorite photo each day. No rhyme or reason to them. Just a way to prompt my creativity and perhaps prompt yours as well.
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