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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Lesson Learned

I nearly lost every single photo I've taken for the past two years and it really was my own dumb fault. The mother board and power source of my went out of my computer and after nearly $400.00 paying for the extended super warranty for Dell (the warranty was 3 months out) they found my hard drive also had a glitch. Ugh! So I had to pay for the software warranty to the tune of $247.00 and some change. I could have bought a new camera body I've been eyeing for that! Dell really knows how to get you when you are down. I've determined that I would have paid any price, walked through hell and back for those engagement photos of my daughter and my kiddos on vacation etc. I cried...and cursed and then cried some more. Then put on my big girl panties and called my computer guy. Who saved the day!!! I probably should have just called him in the first place. He would have fixed my computer and Mr. Fix It (who doesn't fix computers by the way) would have only had to sharpen his chain saw chains for the next couple of years. But noooo, I had to call Dell and they had to rake me over the coals in extended warranty prices. But I'm thankful to have my photos back and copied to the external hard-drive that I'm now using religiously and should have been using every day for the past two years. STUPID!!! I know! I have an external hard-drive and never use it. I only think about using it to back up my files. You would think that after my last computer got struck by lightening that I would be very careful. You'd think that right? Nope not me...what were the chances of it happening again. Some sort of power glitch the tech guy said. A freak thing my computer guy said. Yes of course it's going to happen again and it's going to happen to me. The good thing is that if my computer pukes again before 2011 everything is covered! It damn well better be! The bad thing is my computer will die one day later. That's my luck.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey shelly! yikes i am so glad you were able to get your photos!! hope you and your family are doing well :)

6:50 PM  
Blogger milkcan said...

What a good reminder to back up those photos! thanks!

7:25 PM  

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