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Sunday, January 29, 2006

Horsin' Around

Photos from yesterday. The kids really enjoyed riding the horses around the corral. We had a scare though. John picked up a stick to throw it out of the corral and when he did it spooked the horse that Johnathan and Braden were on. The horse ran from one side of the arena to the other with the boys holding on tight...that's all Braden has talked about today and he's been galloping around on the stick horse with a new appreciation and fascination with the horses. So does anyone have any idea on names for the new horse (the brown and white painted one?) He's my new baby


Where you'll find me.

I've got spring fever baaaaad. I came across this photo yesterday and realized it would be perfect for a layout I wanted to do for "my addiction" layout for the book of me challenge at Classy Coordinates. Even though I'm not in my garden right now. It feels so good to do a layout of it while I wait for spring. It's been so gray here and without snow since December. UGLY! We did get to go for a short horseback ride yesterday with the kids. I was in the 50's and so nice to be outside. The weekend has flown by. I can't believe it is Sunday. I'm heading to my parents house for a visit with them tomorrow before they leave for Florida for two months. I think I'll just jump in their suit case and they can take me with them :)

Sunday, January 22, 2006

I had this brilliant idea early this evening around 4:00 that my scraproom was overwhelming me so I thought I'd clean. I seriously hope I never get this urge again! Something bad is bound to happen! 1 Move sterlite drawers because they won't wheel around anymore the wheel has broken off from...too much weight???? 2. Decide to remove EVERYTHING from two tables including huge accumulated mess so that sterlite drawers can fit under table that doesn't have stupid diagonal supports. 3. Including computer monitor, speakers and scanner 4. Huge monitor swivels. Swivels right out of my hands at knee level. 5. Monitor is DEAD 6. Try to finish cleaning and try to revive monitor. NO LUCK! 6. Call work to tell them what I did. 7. Work makes a phone call 8. Two hours later on a Saturday night I've got a replacement monitor. Not as nice but it'll do until they can get me a new one hopefully flat screen this time. 9. Scraproom is clean but sterlite drawers are still leaning! 10. I don't like my tables set up this way but I'm not changing it back!!!! What a night!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Big Hairy UGGGGLY....

Spider in my scrap stuff today. Nearly scared the crap out of me. I can usually handle spiders but when they are big hair and ugly like this dude I run screaming. My knight in shining armor totally failed me too. I didn't want it squished into my patterned paper stash and insisted he get it to move and THEN kill it. Well it moved way too fast and I think it's still hiding under my hard drive or better yet in his best interest he's moved out of the house. I've been very cautious in here today and constantly looking all around wondering when it will appear again. I posted this photo on
today and freaked everyone else out to. Misery loves company :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

SCHOOL Grrrrr!

The tooth fairy came last night :) and there are stories floating around about how she saw the tooth fairy and her wand. Johnathan is mad that the tooth fairy didn't leave him any money under his pillow for a tooth that he lost months ago. Ummm Johnathan you "ALREADY" got paid for that tooth honey. You'll just have to lose another one. Now they are both wiggling their teeth to get more. SO funny.

Got a note from the school today. Johnathan has been tardy 6 times. Ummmm I thought he'd been tardy once. They are supposed to send a letter after the 4th time and contact family services at 6 times. Where the "eff" was my warning and why didn't I know about all the other times? I know it's not a good thing but I can't stand the principal or the secretary at the school. I get major hair flip attitude from them ALL the time. Not sure what the hell I did. I know I can be intimidating... I'm not the typical mom who's kids attend this school and just goes with the flow. Ahhh I wish we'd send them to another school but John just won't have it. Every time I bring it up I get "I went to that school and it was good enough for me" So he's only in kindergarten and here we go. I wonder if I should just go ahead and call family services and set up a freaking appointment. I'm just sick about this! The thing is John has been insisting they ride the bus but I won't have it. I know this will make him more insistent that they ride the bus. If they do and something happens to them then it'll be his fault. They are just too little. *Heavy Sigh*

Monday, January 16, 2006

The tooth fairy

Will be paying this house a visit sometime tonight. Meganne lost her first tooth. It fell out while she was eating a hamburger at lunch today. She's got it already under her pillow and wants to take it to preschool with her tomorrow. Wonder what the teachers will think of that? I'm sure it's considered a biohazard.

Wedding Invitation Posted by Picasa

I'm so excited about this! Not only the invitation but the wedding as well. My best friend is getting married in October and I'm making the invitations for her. I just showed them and they love them. Now to get this assembly line started :)


I'm working on the tax junk and I'll probably mix it up with a little Allied stuff. Gotta pay the tax man and have to have money to do it. The boys are probably riding their ATV's today...perhaps I'll finally get some photos of Johnathan riding his new bike :). Wonder what's for dinner. Need to plan that. I'll post a recipe here if I come up with something good stay tuned.

A matter of perspective.

I love how my kids think. This is an example of the things I hear in my every day life. Yesterday we were driving to grandma's house and the kids were in the back. We nearly hit a dog on the way there. It ran right out in front of us. Johnathan the 6-year-old said "wow we almost hit that dog." I didn't think they could see it from the back seat so I said "you saw that?" His response: "yeah I saw it , what do you think I'm blonde or something?" Ummmm I think he meant "blind".

What a riot!

Things I love about...

The sites I design for: (this is not an advertisement...just thought I'd post some of this since Valentines day is coming soon and I "love" this holiday and love these sites.

eI'm working on a BOM at Classy Coordinates and write a weekly tip. These girls are such a great bunch. Check out if you are looking for a kick butt kit of the month club. We have so much fun on the message board.

eScrapbook Supply Store is looking for new design team members...anyone interested? The message boards and virtual crops are a blast. So are the dt members such a friendly helpful group! Mary Beth, the owner is such a sweetheart to work for. She has big plans for the site this year. The gallery there is LOADED with awesome layouts. Check it out

eMy new love KMA. I've been completely WOWED! by the stuff the new dt members have been posting in the gallery already. The girls on the message board are so super friendly. We are going to have lots of fun this year :)

Look at that...I posted entries two days in a row. I know when I show my buddies this they are going to be IMPRESSED.

She's going to lose it.

My youngest dd has a very loose tooth. She came running completely freaked out a little while ago. It's been loose for awhile now and the dental hygenist said the last time we were in before Christmas said to expect a visit from the tooth fairy before Santa showed up this year. She doesn't want to lose her teeth. She cried huge crocodile tears until I calmed them with promises that the tooth fairy would come and put a dollar under her pillow. So after a long soak in a bubble bath and tucked in she's fine now. I did take some loose tooth photos because I'm pretty certain that one day this week it will be gone. Now I'm the one who's upset...when did she get big enough to start losing teeth. Waaaaah! I'm not ready yet.

I think she's got the prettiest smile ever (but then I'm partial) I was so shocked when the hygenist said her tooth was loose in the first place. I so didn't think she was old enough to be losing teeth but she said that they start losing them between 4 and 7 years old...and my daughter is the reason that 4 is the low end of the average. She just turned five. Oh and here is something I didn't know... the earlier they lose them the more likely that they'll end up with braces because their mouths aren't big enough for the larger permanent teeth. GREAT!

Sunday, January 15, 2006

I keep forgetting to update my's been since September and lots has happened since then. Probably why I haven't made an entry. Let's see maybe it'll help to make a list.

1. Lost the RMH contest. That was okay though. I thought I would be hugely disappointed but I wasn't. Got an awesome prize package from the owner and felt really good about my entry. Hey top five wasn't bad at all :) I was proud of myself.
2. Have had three layouts picked up one by Paper Trends and the other two by Cantata Books I can't wait to see them in print.
3. Won the DT contest at a complete surprise. (Check out my work there if you have a minute) :) I'm so excited about this. I see lots of potential and the other DT members are AWESOME and so inspiring.
4. Finally said yes to a DT position with the LSS The owner had asked me twice and I didn't think she'd ask me a third time.
5. Busy with work at Allied. I finally finished the 150 page catalog and I'm currently working on a 12 page brocure for them. I love my job but it's trying at times working from home.
6. Trying to get the financial and tax information for DH's business in order. It's gotta get done :) and since I'm the only one who can do it I better get moving :)

Speaking of