Big Hairy UGGGGLY....

Spider in my scrap stuff today. Nearly scared the crap out of me. I can usually handle spiders but when they are big hair and ugly like this dude I run screaming. My knight in shining armor totally failed me too. I didn't want it squished into my patterned paper stash and insisted he get it to move and THEN kill it. Well it moved way too fast and I think it's still hiding under my hard drive or better yet in his best interest he's moved out of the house. I've been very cautious in here today and constantly looking all around wondering when it will appear again. I posted this photo on today and freaked everyone else out to. Misery loves company :)
EEEEWWWWW I would probably have taken a picture also! I wouldnt' have squished him on my paper either. That is one honkin big spider dude!! I am glad I don't have them that big here. Michelle and I were just talkin about ya tonight and how we can't wait to finally MEET YA!!!! Hugs, Dawn
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