She's going to lose it.

My youngest dd has a very loose tooth. She came running completely freaked out a little while ago. It's been loose for awhile now and the dental hygenist said the last time we were in before Christmas said to expect a visit from the tooth fairy before Santa showed up this year. She doesn't want to lose her teeth. She cried huge crocodile tears until I calmed them with promises that the tooth fairy would come and put a dollar under her pillow. So after a long soak in a bubble bath and tucked in she's fine now. I did take some loose tooth photos because I'm pretty certain that one day this week it will be gone. Now I'm the one who's upset...when did she get big enough to start losing teeth. Waaaaah! I'm not ready yet.
I think she's got the prettiest smile ever (but then I'm partial) I was so shocked when the hygenist said her tooth was loose in the first place. I so didn't think she was old enough to be losing teeth but she said that they start losing them between 4 and 7 years old...and my daughter is the reason that 4 is the low end of the average. She just turned five. Oh and here is something I didn't know... the earlier they lose them the more likely that they'll end up with braces because their mouths aren't big enough for the larger permanent teeth. GREAT!
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