Ugh! The Flu and some photos

Where have I been since Thanksgiving. I've had the flu and not just the 24 hour feel better the next day bug but the full blown, every single symptom possible FOR A WEEK flu. I-AM-DRAINED. Literally. Trying to suck it up now and finally decorate my tree which should have been finished over the weekend. Trying to complete 500 homemade gifts and projects before Christmas that should all be done now. Why do I do this to myself each year. UGH! Did I mention I am weak. Barely made it down the steps to post. But my Grandma Cox always said you must get up and get moving when you are sick. The sooner the better and as I look around the house that has been destroyed by the good intentioned deer hunter husband and the munchkins. I know it is time to get better. Whether my body is ready or not. Ugh! Again. I'll leave you with a few photos from Thanksgiving. My family has this thing about rainbows now. We like to think that they are my dad's way of being with us. Ever since my sister and I saw one outside the plane on the way to get our mom in Florida last April when he passed away. I've never seen as many rainbows as I have this year in my entire life. Anyway check out the rainbow in my niece's hair on Thanksgiving day *heavy sigh*.

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