When it rains it pours
Well it looks like the kiddos will be home all this week since they just cancelled school for the rest of the week. They are supposed to have spring break next week but that is not looking promising either. I'm thinking we'll be in school until July. Now if I was a homeschoolin' mom this would not be a problem at all. It would just be business as usual with some extra credit studies of the power of mother nature. But that idea got shut down by the man so as it is they are all driving me crazy including the man who has been stuck inside all day because of the rain and insists that wrestling with the children all day is the very best way to entertain them. Did someone say vacation? I need one but it looks like a little rum and coke and a jacuzzi bubble bath is going to have to do for now. I'm counting the minutes until they konk out for the night! Anyway this is what it looks like in my neck of the woods. Let me give you a little tour. The first photo is from the flood of 2005. I find it really funny that the Army Corp. of Engineers have upgraded their living quarters so extremely in two years. The poor freezing guys in Jan. of '05 went to Lowes to build this little shanty. I guess they figured it out in two years and decided that this nice grey office would be much better suited for the elements during this flood. I knew last weekend when I went out for groceries before the snow storm that this was coming. They had a bull dozer leveling and dumptruck loads of gravel dumped here preparing. They don't do that unless they are serious and ready for the long haul.

So lets continue the tour... photo three is the flood gate below our house. They close the gate which runs under the railroad (a natural dam) and pump water through those culverts just under the tracks. See those blue pipes in photo three? They are using those to pump the water over the tracks to prevent our only way out besides through grandmas field (literally through John's grandma's field) open to traffic.
You can't really tell in photo 4 but the Corp. of Engineers is doing a fine job of keeping this road open...it must be their shiny new office (see photo 2).
Photo five is of the sign at the bottom of Somerdale Road. I think you can see it a little better in my last post.
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