Lake Front Property

It's a typical day here. We're flooded again. It's no surprise really with the rain and snow that we've gotten this year. I actually think the bus has had to go around the lake more this winter than it's been able to travel down our road. It's a good thing that the bus drivers are great and can swing into our driveway. I'd hate to have my kids go across the railroad tracks or out to the state route that is in front of our house. The view of our lake is just gorgeous. Those are not shrubs or bushes sticking out of the water. They are full grown trees. You can see the sign at the bottom of the hill behind the road closed sign. When it comes across this section of the road it's getting bad. Right now they've shut the flood gate that sits below our house and are pumping water through a pipe under the railroad tracks. The last time we saw this was in 2005. The kids didn't have school for two weeks because of the flooding and my poor sister-in-law who was 8 months pregnant had to get across this lake by boat. They were completely flooded was January cold but not frozen like the photo with the horses in the foreground. We're waiting and hoping that it doesn't get that bad this time. Down the road from our house the water is at the edge of the road. I've got the pantry stocked and seriously don't mind being stuck here. The kids hate it. Especially since we don't let them go outside when it's flooded like this. It's just too tempting to try and get a closer look and that scares me to death. I know spring is right around the corner and soon that field/lake will be planted with corn and soybeans just like every other year. We will most likely flood again and lose it but theres always the chance that it will be a perfect year with no flooding. If I could only convince hubby to plant rice. Or if they'd just make this permanent then we would have lake front property year round.
Wow! good luck Shelly!
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