Celebratin' in Style....Happy New Year

I just couldn't see starting the new year facing laundry that needed to be put away. So we're celebrating in style :) How, do you ask? For sure we are putting fenders on the tractor that "Mr. Fix It" is restoring. Mr. Fix It can fix anything.

He makes old broken run down things new again. Kinda like he did to me about 12 years ago *ahem* but that's a whole 'nother story in itself. Restoring tractors is just one of the things DH does in the winter time when the mower business is slow. I can't tell you how many of these he's done in the past several years...minus last year when he couldn't paint because he had pnemonia. That was a rough and macaroni and cheese kinda winter. My job when he's reassembling and along the way is to take photos of his progress. Currently he has three tractors in various stages of completion. Not to be braggin' but he's really good at it. Most men have things they are really good at. This is what he's good at. This one is almost done and he's putting on the fenders and tires tonight. Wahhhoooo! What a way to celebrate the new year. Truely, I wouldn't have it any other way. Sure in the old days I'd be downing rum and cokes and dancing until the wee hours. I/we must be getting old or perhaps I just really do enjoy watching Mr. Fix It work. I Especially love to watch him teach the boys how to wrench and our daughter what nuts, bolts and lock washers are. Granted it's New Year's Eve but I wouldn't want to do anything else. Oh yeah, I did pinch my finger holding the fender. Wrenching and tractor restoration is not something I am good at. Plus, I got this one of the youngest two loafing on the job.
Happy New Year's everyone. I have very high hopes for 2009. Or, at least it's gotta be better right?
~ Shelly