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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Dancing in the rain

Sophia C. on 2peas issued this blog challenge about something we enjoyed as a child that we would want our children to do. I remember as a child getting to dance in the summer rain. It was such a treat when my mom would let us do this. My brothers, sister and I would beg to go out in the rain. It was so much fun and she'd even get the shampoo out and let us wash our hair. I let my kids do just that this past summer when we had a very hard rain and no thunder and lightning which usually accompanies Ohio storms. I loved the surprised looks on their faces when I told them what I wanted them to do. I think they kinda thought I had lost it. Their expressions said: "you want us to do what?" But once they got out there they had a blast...just like I did when I was a kid. I even did a layout about it for them. ~ Shelly

Monday, February 06, 2006

Another layout I did for my book of me. This one had to be about my favorite drink. I love coffee. The taste, the smell, hot, warm, cold doesn't matter to me. I challenged myself since I'm the worlds slowest scrapper to do this quickly. I really surprised myself that I completed it in 15 minutes. Yeah it's not that great but it's done :).

What a weekend. I spent it creating a few layouts and working on John's tax stuff. I get so bored entering numbers that I take frequent breaks and must scrapbook or I'd be out of my mind. I'm waiting on a call back from Allied about changes I know they will want to make to the latest brochure I'm working on. I'm sure we'll be changing changes with this round. It's never what they want the first time around and comittees must approve everything. That's the one thing I miss about the office. I could usually convince them that the fifth round of changes weren't really necessary. Oh well I'll get over it because I'd much rather work from home. Working away at a card swap that needs to be in the mail on Wednesday or Thursday. I also uploaded a few layouts from people who use Scrap Submit to enter the DT contest at So if you are looking for a new DT gig one of my favorite online hang outs is looking :) ~ Shelly